Happy International Day of Peace to you also Carla. You are one of the most peaceful people I know. You ask good questions, why with extremely high cost of war in lives and money…why is it better to spend money on killing people and structures than to spend it in the business of bettering Health?
Yes! Let’s wake up tomorrow and create a peaceful world. It’s much easier to be Kind and Loving than hateful and War-full.
Thanks for that important message Carla love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Peace, as you know my friend, is an inside job. When we are peaceful to ourselves, in our thoughts, in how we talk to ourselves, peace will spread. Peace to me and peace from me to you… live loved
October 3, 2017
Happy International Day of Peace to you also Carla. You are one of the most peaceful people I know. You ask good questions, why with extremely high cost of war in lives and money…why is it better to spend money on killing people and structures than to spend it in the business of bettering Health?
October 5, 2017
Things that make you say, Why? ~ Peace
September 23, 2017
Just “Imagine”! Love You!
September 24, 2017
I do every day and will continue to “Imagine” Love ya
September 22, 2017
Yes! Let’s wake up tomorrow and create a peaceful world. It’s much easier to be Kind and Loving than hateful and War-full.
Thanks for that important message Carla love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
September 24, 2017
I believe it’s not impossible… And, I’ll keep envisioning it!
September 22, 2017
Peace, as you know my friend, is an inside job. When we are peaceful to ourselves, in our thoughts, in how we talk to ourselves, peace will spread. Peace to me and peace from me to you… live loved
September 24, 2017
Yes, it’s an inside job. Trying my best to be the peace I would like to see in the world. I believe in humanity!
September 24, 2017
you are amazing…don’t ever forget it…