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Day After is Always Tough

September 29, 2017


Motivation to get things done makes the day after chemo a little easier to cope with.


  1. Carla, this video tugged at my heartstrings. My prayers are focused on your continued strength to work through each moment one at a time. Yes my friend your hope to do this all with grace, patience, and a positive attitude is all happening. You are a very special woman,. . . . .rest, be good to yourself. Love You!

    1. Bernandine, I so appreciate and love all your comments! Thank you for your support and most of all years of true friendship. I love you my dear friend! xoxo

  2. Your motivation is inspiration to your self and others… you are capable of more than you can imagine ~ manifest your truest desires by simply believing in you ✌🏼❤️😊

    1. When I read your comment fairies popped into my head. If you believe in fairies clap your hands and say, I Believe in Fairie! The message was to believe in them and they, in turn, would believe in me. xoxo

  3. Thank you for sharing your magnificent self with us ….

    1. Thank you ~ I feel your strength! I hope someday we can meet.

  4. Hi beautiful lady, you are so right. Motivation is the one thing that helps me out of a slump… My grandbabies, boy do they have me busy. My oldest with dance and football, wrestling
    and drama all through school. Now he is off to college and still I go visit him and cook good meal for him to have in his freezer. And then there is Isaiah, he was in wrestling and basketball, now he is doing drivers Ed and school. And then my granddaughter, 3 months old and I just enjoy visiting them. They are my motivation, that helps me on !y bad days. On the worst days I have my daughter’s that come and cook for me and just wait on me, truly take care of me. Remember to let your love ones help you as you need to rest. You always have been so beautiful. I remember you in school and always thought you were the most beautiful one in the all of high school. I loved your hair, curls and all!!! My oldest daughter has hair like that too. I pray for you Carla and may your motivation (s) always get you through another day!!! God’s Blessings to you and your family always…. ✌

    1. Oh my… your grandbabies sure do keep you busy. What beautiful blessings! I am so happy you have to keep you motivated and going. My daughters are my Angels as I’m sure yours are yours. We must be good mommies! Thank you for your blessings for me and my family. I send the same to you and yours. And, thank you for the sweet compliment from high school.


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