Feeling differently
September 23, 2017

I got invited to a couple school events and had a realization of what I was feeling.
I got invited to a couple school events and had a realization of what I was feeling.
September 25, 2017
Carla, we just want to feel safe and protected and our home provides that. I experience those feelings every day when I wake up to the reality of my son passing away. Also, I am my husband’s caregiver. I don’t want to say everything and everyone is OK, but I do. I force myself to look for good every day and there is so much good to be thankful for. There’s nothing wrong with alone time, we all need it. PEACE, my dear๐
September 26, 2017
Arlene, I can’t even imagine what you go through daily. I ask the Angels to hold you and fill you with love, peace, and strength. Thank you for your comment and reminding me to look at all my blessings and for being ok with alone time. ~ Peace
September 25, 2017
Carla, I understand where you are. When I was battling my leukemia, I recognized I had a limited amount of energy to give. I chose to use my energy to nurture my most important relationships and to heal my spirit, mind and body. Many blessings and healing energy to you!
September 26, 2017
I guess I’m doing this intuitively, as Terri Porter commented. It just feels “different” as this is not who I am. Thanks to all the great comments I see that this is a good thing I am doing for myself. Thanks for the blessings and healing. ~ Peace
September 25, 2017
Staying in the comfort place of our home does give us peace, I can remember when I first found out I had fibromyalgia, I did not want to see, talk or be around no one. I even dodged my family. I only went when I had too and even then it was hard. It turned out that I was just trying to accept what “I” fibromyalgia is doing to me and that ment being safe at home away from having to explain myself. The pain was so bad and the medications would not work. I missed a lot of work, got depressed! Ugh!!! Work, home, work home. Then my grandson the oldest, took up dance. How could I not go see him. That did it I was out every weekend out of town with them. Then when my youngest was in the car accident and then over 3 months in the hospital, with surgery after surgery, the pain he endured and I saw how deturmen he was. I was letting this horribleness of fibromyalgia take over my life. Don’t get me wrong I have my days where I can’t even move because of the pain, but I will not let it claim my life again. It takes time but you will be out again and even stronger than ever!!! I pray for peace, calmness, strength and Healing over you daily!!!! God Bless Carla and your family too!!!
September 25, 2017
Abby, I am so sorry for the pain you have and are having to endure. From physical to mental, to emotional pain, that’s a lot to ask from one person. I continue to send you healing energy and ask the Angels to take your pain from you. You are an inspiration to me and I look forward to the strength to carry on as before. Love you
September 26, 2017
We are strong women because strong a strong woman raised us!!!! Blessing’s my Carla. Love you!!!
September 26, 2017
So true! Hugs
September 25, 2017
Our comfort zone is our bubble. You’ve recognized that now and Intuitively, you will know when to be social! ๐
September 25, 2017
Thank you Terrie. I love my bubble – I visualize it with lots of love, peace, light, family, and healing energy. I’m going to keep my bubble tight for a while. Continued healing energy to you!
September 24, 2017
It is ok to stay in your comfort zone, your home and family must give you the security and the peace you are needing right now. Some settings may just be more than you want or need as you keep your spirit on a calm plane. You are so loved. . . . .
September 25, 2017
My family and home are definitely my comfort zone. It’s just kind of different since this is not who I usually am. But then again this isn’t a usual situation. So, I’m good!