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Sometimes We Need Space

September 3, 2017


When someone you know is taking on a challenging event in their life, shower them with love and prayers. They may not want to talk about what’s heavy in their hearts and minds. Just keep sending them messages. Stay in touch.


  1. Love you Carla ❤️
    Please let me know how I can serve you. I have been sending you reiki to help heal the core of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual causes behind this experience.
    Blessings! ❤️Harmony

    1. Thank you, my friend! I definitely appreciate the Reiki coming my way! Love to you and your family!

  2. Continued positive thoughts and healing prayers going up for you, dear Cousin. ❤️💪🙏✌️🌹

    1. Thank you, Sherry. Give my Uncle a hug for me the next time you see him!

  3. Hey, Cousin Carla. I feel so bad for what you are going through. I’ve been praying for you since I read your post and watched your video. God is good and He does hear us when we pray. Don’t lose the Faith no matter what it looks like or feels like. I got your phone # from your mom, so I will be calling you soon.
    I love you, Cuz.

    1. Thank you for your prayers! I know I am deeply blessed by friends, family, and unseen forces! I look forward to talking with you soon! Love to you and the family <3

  4. Thinking of you. Sending a warm hug.

  5. I would love to helpin other ways if u need. Can I meet w ur son and support him on acounseling basis since I have worked w Eric in the past.can I help clean ur hpuse or help ina ny other way. I live in ur neighborhood nd would love to be there for u..please let me know. Love and light.Marcia

    1. I would love to take you up on your offer in supporting Erik. He loves to go have coffee. Maybe the two of you could meet and talk. Thank you! Do you do windows? lol

  6. Thank you for helping me better understand and better love… such a beautiful and insightful soul ~ keep shining bright!

    1. Like the brightest star!


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