Medical Cannabis Card
August 31, 2017
Do you have your medical cannabis card? What products have helped you during your cancer treatment?
Do you have your medical cannabis card? What products have helped you during your cancer treatment?
September 26, 2017
Yes I know of a few people who attest to the positive results using Ricsymson oil. I hope you are able to find your perfect alternative method.
September 27, 2017
Since I have no more tumors (thank you) I do not need the Rick Simpson oil. What I do need medical cannabis for is nausea, fatigue, and sleep. Still learning and sampling.
September 4, 2017
CBD oil has really helped a dear friend of mine! One thing that has been most powerful for her is the way it helps to keep her calm and positive during this first stage of her process which, as you must know too well, was very scary with a feeling of being out of control. This is the same oil that she heard about and is using. I pray you’ll find it helps you as well. I really appreciate the benefits of both conventional and alternative healing. I’d go that same way. Give it all ya got Karla! We’re all standing by!!
September 5, 2017
Thank you for this information… I have definitely experienced the feeling of being out of control. Thankfully, when that happens I know to take a timeout and give my self Reiki. I have heard of CBD oil and when I go and get educated I’m sure I’ll be coming home with some. Sending you much love my friend!